Saturday, December 31, 2011

A Quilt for my Sister-In-Law

This was the only quilt that I managed to get the binding sewn down to give away as a Christmas gift this year.  This one was a gift for my sister-in-law.  I didn't get as good a photo as I would have liked due to my hurry to get it wrapped up and under the tree in time for Christmas.  For some reason, whenever I finish a quilt and lay it out to take a photo the boys decide that they want to jump all over the "new" quilt.  Alexander generally smooths his hands over them and says, "I like it, I like it".  Hmmm... Already he knows just what to say to make his mama happy.  Ollie generally does a little dance over the new quilt and then promptly lays down on it.  Anyone that has ever had a cat could relate that it is something like pulling fresh laundry out of the dryer and folding it in nice stacks.  A cat will always show up when there is new fresh laundry to lie on.
I didn't get to show a close up of the quilting, but it does look nice, trust me.  This quilt was started several years ago and anyone that recognizes the fabric or the design has probably been quilting for at least a few years now:)
I also want to mention that I have decided to continue with my long arm edge to edge special quilt pricing through the month of January as I have not had much time to advertise this month.  That is $2.00/square foot!!!  Please email me at: thequiltingplatypus (at) for more details...

1 comment:

Katy Cameron said...

It looks fab, accessories and all ;o)

Happy new year!

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