
Monday, February 18, 2008

More Bento Box

I haven't posted anything in a while because I have had a miserable cold/flu for the past couple of weeks now. I keep hoping that I will feel better soon, but I am still struggling with it a bit. I look forward to having some energy to do things again! I did finish this bento box quilt a few weeks ago already minus borders and now I let it sit. I don't know what to do for the borders. The solution doesn't seem obvious to me. I really contemplated sashing these blocks, but in the end I think I was feeling sick and struggling with what sort of fabric to sash with so I just decided I liked it well enough this way too. I'm really 50/50 on it. Half the time I look at it and love it and then the other half of the time it doesn't sit well with me. Depends on the light. Seems to look better at night. If anyone has an opinion on what to do next I am all ears! Thanks!


  1. I think a plain border (gray or black?) to give the eye a place to rest. Great Job, by the way! You've inspired me to pull out my asian themed fabrics and give this pattern a go.

  2. I like the look of the blocks the way they are, I'm glad you decided not to do sashing. the bordr will come to you I'm sure and not every quilt has to have a border.

  3. I see a lot of blue in the quite, so I think if you use the other color in the border it should help it pop.

  4. I like your quilt so much! I've decided to do a blue - violett - brown - beige Joel Dewberry quilt for my mother-in-law. She will surely love it.
