
Tuesday, February 19, 2008

How the Garden Grows!

I just thought I would share a few pictures of one our gardens and how green and full everything is looking this time of the year! We have so many tomatoes, zucchini, cucumbers, squash, corn, beans, etc that it is hard to keep up! The tomatoes are still not ripe, but when they finally do ripen it is going to be crazy trying to keep up. At the moment I am desperately trying to keep up with the zucchini and cucumbers!!!


  1. How lovely! It's summer! I won't show you the view out my door, snow and gloom. Thanks for the glimpse of another world.

  2. Yum! Looks wonderful. Is that pumpkin I see there, too? We've just harvested half a dozen from our Sydney suburban backyard! :)

  3. Yummy! nothing quite like fresh vegies. It looks like you have had a fair bit of rain in your part of town. Enjoy your abundance!

  4. How wonderful to see your lush green garden. We are up to our knees in snow...have had almost 100inches this winter. Every couple weeks we have a warm day and rain so then the piles of snow melt way down. Enjoy reading your blog.

  5. Oh to have fresh anything at this time of year! we are covered in snow and ice and 10 degree temps!

  6. Oh to have fresh anything at this time of year! we are covered in snow and ice and 10 degree temps!

  7. I'm jealous! It's definitely winter here.

    Love your blog. I visit occasionally, but have never left a comment.

  8. Beautiful pictures! I can't wait until spring. I am already planning what I am going to plant in my garden.

  9. Beautiful pictures! I can't wait until spring. I am already planning what I am going to plant in my garden.

  10. Beautiful pictures! I can't wait until spring. I am already planning what I am going to plant in my garden.
