Friday, February 10, 2012


Ok, I just got extremely distracted with all the piles of Japanese fabric that I have been getting my hands onto lately.  I just Had to do some cutting--especially with my new Dresden Plate template arriving in my mailbox this week.  I've always wanted to make a Dresden Plate quilt, but I thought it was more involved or difficult than it really is.  Ok, well, I have put the center in or put it onto a background yet--I'm debating what I want to use...  I've got a couple of ideas and am trying to steer away from the obvious white choice.  Really, I think in a couple of years people will be saying, "What were we THINKING using so much white on our quilts??"  It does look nice and fresh when it's new though:)


kelly said...


Jenny said...

You go girl! Your on a role with all your amazing blocks!

Bronwyn said...

I think a dark dark grey would look really good in the middle - not black, cos it's too harsh against the other strong colours (I am a little biased cos I never sew with black - NEVA! lol!)

Katy Cameron said...

Oooh, love this distraction. There's a Japanese fabric shopping spree in my future, just need to wait for next pay day...

Cassandra said...

I love Japanese fabrics so if I had a bunch to play with, I'd be distracted too! ;) Very pretty block!

Charlotte said...

Ooh thats lovely, I have a bit of an addiction to Japanese fabrics at the moment too and I have recently started my first dresden, yours is gorgeous

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