Sunday, April 25, 2010

Working on a Flea Market Fancy Quilt

We've still been very busy with the house building these last few months that I have barely had any time to quilt. I did get my Flea Market Fancy box out the other day to work on a quilt that I've had planned out for a while now. I wanted to create a special quilt to show off my favorite fabric of all time, Flea Market Fancy by Denyse Schmidt. So far I am finding that the piecing is a bit fiddly in that it's tricky getting the points to match up, but for the most part I am happy with it. Next, I will put a black sashing around all the blocks and then decide if the quilt needs a border or not.

In other news, Alexander is as active and full of beans as usual. Today he mastered climbing up and down the stairs we just had built last week and he's not even 15 months yet! We're excited that soon (August) he will have a brother to keep him company in the house and hopefully one day to rough and tumble with to burn off his excess energy! I have posted a picture of him here on our new deck that was just finished a couple of weeks ago. The fence still needs painting as well as the posts, but at least we've made it this far!!! The building has been going slow, but we are gradually making progress. This week the rest of the downstairs flooring will go in and be sanded as well. I can't wait to show pictures of it completed!


Quilts on Bastings said...

Love the quilt - great fabrics, looks like it is coming along beautifully.

Jenni said...

Congratulations on the pending arrival. The quilt looks great and that's a HUGE deck. What colour is the house - it looks to be a dark red? I'd love to see it.

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