
Saturday, July 20, 2013

Steam Punk Update

I thought I had better update you with a picture of my Steam Punk progress thus far.  I know I haven't blogged about it in a while, but I am steadily working away at them a few blocks at a time.  Actually, I would have more than enough blocks at this point in time for what the pattern calls for, but as per usual, I like to go overboard and make more not less. 

If you've been following me on IG or Flickr you may have seen some of my progress and individual pictures of the blocks, but you would not have seen them all together like this.  I love to play around with Picture Collage on Picassa to make these quilt scenarios.  My goal is that I want to make 100 blocks all together for a Queen/King size quilt.  I will cull/chop 19 to make into partial blocks that will set on the sides (remember that this quilt will be set on the diagonal).  I might try doing something interesting with the chopped bits to use as a feature on the back. 

I think I am now up to block 67.  I will keep plugging along and keep you updated!!!


  1. Fabulous absolutely fabulous! I have the pattern (thanks to your blog) and the templates to make this. May take a while to gather fabrics though!

  2. Lovely blocks. I love seeing them pop up on instagram. You have inspired me to start my own version :) hugs

  3. Yay for the update! I've been wondering how far you were going :) has anyone tried piecing partial blocks, instead of cutting them? I don't know if I can stomach that! Would it make the side seam allowance wonky?
    Your blocks are beautiful!

  4. Wow wow WOW! My goodness, Jeannette, these are quite impressive!

  5. So gorgeous. Your previous posts inspired me to purchase the pattern. These are stunning.

  6. Great pattern and I love the colour combinations.

  7. Wow it looks so great.
    I am tempted to buy the pattern but I have made a promise not to start anything new until I finish a few more things first.

  8. Wow you have been very busy...You have lots of them made.

  9. Wonderful! My progress is soooo slow, lol!
    Hugs - Lurline.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Looking great! And you're well over half way!

  12. Your Steam Punk quilt is awesome! I love every single block!

  13. Jeanette I have serious quilt envy. Absolutely stunning. Haves loved seeing them all on IG.

  14. Fabulous! Beautiful! I wish I were farther along than 5 blocks but you have now inspired me to get working on them again.

  15. Loving your blocks, they look tops. I wish I had the time/motivation to get further into this project.
