
Sunday, November 18, 2012

Spoils from Canberra

It's been a little while since I last posted due to my living sometime in the middle of the dark ages.  Yes, where I live, we have limited internet download.  We've been on slow speed for nearly two weeks now!

I've been busy quilting though, there have been many customer quilts being quilted and I think currently I am about as caught up as I've been since May!  With a bit of diligence I may be entirely caught up by the end of the week and ready to take in a few more quilts in time for Christmas!  Contact me if you are desperate to get something done before Christmas and I may be able to accommodate you!

I found these fabrics at Addicted to Fabric when I was up in Canberra on Friday--love them!  I'm planning on making Christmas stockings with them--my promise to myself to try and be more involved with Christmas decorating.  The two solids on the left are Cotton Couture and the two on the right are Pure Elements by Art Gallery.  I'm obsessed with these solids lately.  They are so luxurious!  No, I am not a sponsored blog, so I can say what I like!  And yes, it feels so good to say what I like and not be subject to anyone;-)

Anyway, I had lunch with the lovely Danielle, delivered some quilts and got some Christmas shopping done as well!  Now, to just be able to manage getting ready for Thanksgiving!


  1. I understand dodgy Internet. Here in rural South Australia it's not much better. Hope you get some stockings made!

  2. I can't wait to see these stockings! I love the pure elements and the Christmas prints (what are they may I ask?) As for the internet we have pathetic service since I got mad and switched from TW! I hate it when I have to eat crow and go back....which I am going to need to do soon...can't take this much more. So I feel your pain ;-)

  3. Nice fabric! I've been making a few stockings of late but with much more traditional fabric - love them too. And isn't it great to feel like you are getting caught up? Good for you.

  4. Always love catching up with you!! Great haul from A2F, I'll look forward to seeing your stockings!

  5. You didn't say what the print line is?? Love it! These will make great stockings!
