Ok, so these are not my best photos of Alexander, but since this is a quilting/sewing blog I thought I'd better post something sewy/quilty for a change. All these shots of Alexander are of him wearing outfits that I made for him before he was born. I especially like the Heather Ross designer gnome outfit in the first photo. When I see him dressed in that outfit I find him Completely irristable. The pattern, in case you are wondering is from Oliver + S called the playsuit. The second photo is of one of the onesies that I made (I made 40 all together in different sizes!). The third photo is another Heather Ross/Oliver + S pattern. The fourth photo is of him wearing an organic striped knit suit I made from fabric from Nearsea Naturals. The pattern is KwikSew 2978. By the way, if you are new to sewing garments like I am, I absolutely recommend starting out with a KwikSew pattern to learn. They have the best directions and use real paper instead of that flimsy tissue paper. You can also go to patternreview.com and get lots of information on how other people sewed a particular pattern. I used this site a lot to get information as I went along.
The last photo is finally one that involves quilting! Sorry that I have been so quilt absent of late, but believe me, this guy has got my hands absolutely full! He just went through a growth spurt and has had me feeling like I should have been wearing that shirt with the cow across the chest. Moo!!! I started this quilt just a month before Alexander was born. It was nearly finished and as I was sewing the last rows together I realized that I only had 35 blocks instead of 36. I could have sworn I had 36! So, either I lost one, or it never was in existence. Anyway, I need to make another one and sew all the rows together. It's a very 1930's style quilt--I really enjoyed making the blocks, but I am not sure where I would use a quilt like this... Oh well, that is not why I make quilts--it's all about the process for me.
I did finish the bindings on the two quilts that I sent to the longarmers. Thanks to the bouncy seat for that! Rocking with my foot and handsewing. This guy is so difficult to get to sleep! I will post photos of those soon... I hope.
Thank you for the pics of Alexander. We love to see how he is growing. He is such a cutie. You did a wonderful job on his clothes he is a lucky little boy to have a mommy that makes his clothes. I love your quilting too. Bouncy seats are great so that you can get something done.
I figured you had been a bit 'busy" with the boy. He is growing for sure and becoming a little man.
I remember how hard it was to get anything done with babies in tow. Good for you that you are at least finding a bit of time for yourself.
Always glad to see you blogging. As you know I always visit.
WHat fun to see pictures of Alexander, he is simply gorgeous and has the sweetest little face. Enjoy every minute - there will be lots of time to quilt and create later on.
Oh the Heather Ross of it all... YUM! (I just got a few more oldies but goodies at a local quilt show!)
40 onsies - WOW, I bow my head in shame as my baby only has momma made quilts...
He's just beautiful! Enjoy your time with him....they really do grow up so quickly...
He is soooo cute. Kudos for making his outfits. This is the first time I have heard of anyone sewing every day baby clothes.
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