Thursday, April 19, 2007

Toile du Jouy Quilt

I got the pattern for this quilt out of the magazine, "Quilter's Companion." I originally saw the quilt in the magazine hanging on the wall at the Kay Brown's quilt studio and was intrigued by it, so as soon as I saw it with the instructions published, I knew I had to make one like it. I just finished it today. The toiles I used are by P&B called, "A Season of Toiles" and are now very hard to find. I am really pleased with this quilt!


Rose Marie said...

Your top is lovely and you have to show it once it's all quilted!

Kate said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog-- I'm glad to have found yours! This toile quilt is lovely. Happy quilting!

Anonymous said...

wow i really like this quilt ... would you mind telling us which issue of QC this pattern is in.

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