Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Pumpkins Picked

The weather has finally been cooling off a bit more lately. I have to get myself used to the seasons in reverse... For example, my birthday is in April and I have always referred myself to being a spring birthday, but now suddenly my birthday is in the autumn! Easter no longer is associated with spring either which is hard to get my head around. Not to mention Christmas in the middle of summer! We are in harvest time now, (it feels like there should be a Thanksgiving celebration) which includes the pumpkins we grew down by the river in the photo. These are just a few of the pumpkins we picked that my sister-in-law is standing next to. The other picture is a shot of Teejay and Moxie all grown up! They will be a year old at the end of June. Time goes so quickly!

1 comment:

Joanna said...

Oh yes isn't it funny how the seasons are messed up? My birthday is in April too and it was always in the fall, now it's in the spring. So strange! School started here today and it's still weird to me that it starts in August - which to me should be the middle of the year, not the start of school! And Christmas - well I love the snow at Christmas time, but still get the hankering to go to the beach for a BBQ!!

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