I finished Picket Fences and now am keeping it on the table as shown in the picture. Now I have to make some cushions for the benches. We bought some foam for the cushions and I am now working on covering them in a plain muslin. Once they are covered, I will make another covering from the Picket Fences fabric that I will be able to zip on and off. Since I plan to make more than one table covering, I would like to have the ability to zip on and off which ever I would like to have on with some ease. I must admit it's a bit difficult to get my head around the sewing part since I have never actually sewn anything in a three dimensional way. Getting an exact fit seems harder than it looks...
The second picture here is my Christmas treat to myself. They are a mixture of fabrics by Judie Rothermel called Charleston III as well as fabrics from Moda called Dominique. I plan to make them into a log cabin quilt but I haven't decided on the center color yet. I'm leaning towards a peachy pink at the moment, but if I could find a decent red or orange I might consider it.
New Year's Eve is going to be a quiet one at home this year. A year ago I was racing around at the last minute trying to get ready to move here. I am so glad that I have a place to call home that it will be a relief to just relax.
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