Monday, December 31, 2012

2012--A Year in Review

2012 by goneaussiequilting
2012, a photo by goneaussiequilting on Flickr.

Well, It has been a big year for me quilting wise as well as in many other areas.  I guess I will just keep this post to quilting.  As you may know, I purchased a Gammill Statler Stitcher in late 2011 and starting quilting for customers this past year.  I can tell you that over the last year I have literally quilted hundreds of quilts--obviously most of them for other people.  Owning a long arm machine has given me the opportunity to finish many projects that I have started over the years as well.  I still have more to quilt as well.  Though, in saying that, in this mosaic there are at least 15 quilts pictured that have been started and completely finished in 2012!  That is a lot!!!  Mind you, I must say that owning a long arm I do finish my projects so much quicker! Plus, quilting for other people the tasks that used to slow me down just seem a whole easier to me now than they used to.  For example, I now feel like I can machine attach a binding in my sleep. =)  I'm excited to see where 2013 takes me!


Mama Spark said...

OK so that collage makes me tired! I love that you have been so productive! I am hoping that 2013 brings you loads of new opportunities.

Jess @ Elven Garden Quilts said...

That is an amazing mosaic Jeannette. I'm constantly inspired by your skill with colour. So glad to have met you this year!

Danielle said...

You've had such a great year! You're such an inspiration to me. I hope some of it rubs off on me too! Looking forward to lots of quilty time with you in 2013 xxx

Unknown said...

What a fantastic year you had. To finish so many projects must be very satisfying. What an achievement, well done and Happy New Year.

liniecat said...

What a feast of finishes !

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