Sunday, May 20, 2012

Blogger's Quilt Festival Spring 2012

It's Spring Quilt Market time and you know what that means! Yes, it is time for the Blogger's Quilt Festival hosted by Amy's Creative Side! 

I've decided to share a quilt with you that I have made recently--my Swoon Quilt made with Suzuko Koseki's daisy prints.  This quilt is one of my all time favorites and is presently the quilt being used on our bed.  I first fell in love with these fabrics online long before they were available.  I was desperate to get my hands on all the colors and was was having trouble finding the dark blue fabric, which happened to be my favorite.  I took a wild shot at it and asked Ayumi of the Pink Penguin if she could find it for me.  She was so friendly and kind and found it nearly right away!  When she wrote me and told me it was one of those fabric moments when your heart races with excitement and you feel a bit breathless with anticipation of acquisition!

I was determined that these fabrics would not sit on the shelf, but would be used and loved every day.  I had heard about the Swoon Quilt Along and started to watch what was going on with all the quilts popping up all over Flickr.  I had never participated in a Quilt Along, but suddenly I decided I would try making Swoon, using the 8 Suzuko Koseki prints.  But, the question was how to make 9 blocks with 8 fabrics???  Simple, one block would contain all the prints--hence I designed the middle block to suit my fabric selection. The plan was to do rainbow/gradient style without it being overly obvious as 2012 is the year I plan to make a rainbow quilt for every month of the year.

So, this is a quilt for me, a quilt using my most beloved fabrics and a quilt I enjoy using every day! 

Amy's Creative Side


Kleep said...

This quilt is beautiful. I love how you used the different fabrics that you loved all together in such a great way. It's scrappy, but at the same time is all ties together so well! Great work, and may it give you many happy years of use!

ladybugquilting said...

Your Quilt is Stunning...

Sandy said...

I am following another blogger and she just finished a Swoon quilt too. I love this pattern and your choice of colors really make it pop!

CitricSugar said...

That's a pretty cool Swoon!

Kirsten said...

Love your Swoon - the colours are fabulous!

Little Island Quilting said...

Great story - I have waaaay too many 'fabric moments' ;-)

Kelly said...

Your Swoon quilt is a stunner!

Karen said...

Oh my that is gorgeous!

Katy Cameron said...

I love this swoon, the rainbow block in the middle is genius

Debbie said...

What an unusual and awesome Swoon quilt! Very fun!!

Catherine said...

I love your choice of colours - rainbow swoon - it's lovely.

Annabella said...

It`s stunning - a really fabulous entry!

Mom said...

I think this is my favorite swoons!

Check out my blog if you can...

Margaret Gunn

Mintyfresh said...

Love the way you tied all the blocks of the Swoon together with that dark gray!

Cynthia said...

Cute! Love tat all the fabrics are same print but different color. Your center block is very clever as well! Glad you were able to find the fabric you were looking for! Nice work!

LeslieUnfinished said...

I've seen a ton of Swoon quilts and I absolutely love the way you've done yours. Great job!

charlestongrl said...

very beautiful!

Ellie-Mae said...

Rainbow? Swoon? Dead of the cute.

Marci Girl said...

I will honestly say that of all the Swoon's that I have seen, this one ranks in my top 10! Beautiful!

Poppyprint said...

This is the first I've seen your quilt and I LOVE IT!! It's such a creative way to use the Swoon pattern - your border treatment is so clever and the middle block is just perfect. Well done! It's a fantastic challenge you've set out for yourself to make 12 rainbow quilts this year! (and by the way, I am still a little bit sad that I was not the lucky recipient of your amazing table runner in the FTLOS swap).

Sue Daurio said...

What a great quilt. I love how you used the grey as a constant and had a mix for the other colors. I love the border. I may use that on mine as it needs to be a tiny bit larger. Just beautiful!

Sandra said...

Great job, very charming and perfect colors.

Come see my entries 64 (repro. applique) and 85 (antique appliques).

Amelia said...

Yep, LOVE it!! Looking forward to seeing more of your rainbow quilts.

Danielle said...

Absolutely fabulous :)

Molly said...

What a great way to use that fabric! I love how you matched the border with the coordinating star. Gorgeous!

amy said...

Such a creative use of the Swoon! I especially love the use of the gray as a constant.

Robin said...

I love the story behind this quilt! And the quilt itself is totally awesome. I love the rainbow palette. Beautiful!

Nita said...

I love it! It certainly lives up to its name!

Jessica Christensen said...

I'm working on a Swoon quilt right now too. I love that you did a kind of color study with it.

Lyanna L. said...

Love your version of the swoon quilt, I am working on one too. =)

Anonymous said...

I love how you used the gray in this quilt! Such a wonderful take on the pattern. :)

Anonymous said...

I love how you used the gray in this quilt! Such a wonderful take on the pattern. :)

Jenny said...

Glad you entered this quilt...LOVE IT!!

Julie said...

gorgeous use of color!

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