Monday, February 6, 2012

Swoon Blocks Four and Five

I'm still waiting on one more fabric to arrive to finish this quilt although I'm very hesitant whether or not it will be the right fabric to use or not.  I am hoping all the daisies will look good together, but I must admit I am having my doubts at this point.  Each block looks nice individually, but together...   Hmmm...  It's not over until it's done though and it's all about the journey, right?


Mama Spark said...

Maybe some Coal sashing to bring it all together? Or maybe a white sashing with a slim coal sashing? I'm sure you will figure it out!

Jeannette said...

wow you have been busy! I just did my first block today and it took me awhile.

Katy Cameron said...

Och, sure they'll look fab together

Charlotte said...

These are looking so good

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