In other news, the house building is going very well. I don't have pictures to show because the builders have had their tools and mess everywhere that it's hard to see what has actually been done. The floors are now in though and have been sanded and painted so hopefully by Sunday will be dry enough that I can walk through and take some pictures! All the tile has been laid as well and I am also very happy to have that job out of the way! We still have lots of finishing work left to do, trim, shelving, outside fence, pergola, bench seats, and the electrical and plumbing to be finished. And then more painting--especially to the outside, which with the colder weather coming on might not get finished for a little while.
All this should hopefully be done before baby number 2 comes along. I am now 26 weeks along and getting excited for the arrival! My mom and aunt are planning to come out to visit soon after he is born and it will be the first time Alexander has met any of my family too!
You have an artist's eye for color as the border fabric you chose is perfect!
The quilt is lovely.
It's gorgeous!!!
I'm amazed by how much you accomplish with a little one hanging around! (He's a cutie, btw!)
I love your quilt, so many gorgeous colours, and it all goes together beautifully. You have done a wonderful job.
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