Friday, June 3, 2016

Cotton and Steel Scrappy Trip Quilt

Wow!  It has been a very long time since I have posted anything on this blog!  I guess with Instagram, Facebook and other forms of social media that Blogs are not as popular as they once were.  Still, I have to admit I miss posting here, so here I am.  Also, I hate to admit this but I am also posting here today to actually see if I can remember how to do it!

I thought I would show you one of my quilt finishes this year.  It's the Scrappy Trip Quilt first promoted by Bonnie K. Hunter which became a very popular Quilt Along a few years ago.  The Scrappy Trip quilt is one that looks more labour intensive than it actually is and that is what is so addictive about this quilt!  It is built by sewing strips together, not individual pieces.  Bonnie has the free pattern (just click on her name as I have linked you directly to the pattern).

I made this particular Scrappy Trip quilt using all fabrics by Cotton and Steel, one of my favourite fabric manufacturers.  I love the colours, the quality of the cottons as well as the wonderful whimsical prints that the designers create.

Ok, now that I think I have warmed myself with this blog post, I think I will be updating more often again!


Chookyblue...... said...

Great quilt and nice to see you back.....

One for a wish.. said...

Love it! Know what you mean about blogging.

Misty said...

Really love this type of quilt, especially in Cotton and Steel! Nice to see you back at your blog!

Kirsten said...

Such a gorgeous and colourful scrappy quilt - the Cotton and Steel fabrics mix so well together! I have my Denyse Schmidt Scrappy Trip quilt on our bed right now as it is one of my favourites:)

Chris said...

Your absence has been noted! And it's hard to keep blogging regularly. Just ask me! Lovely quilt as always.

pforgerson said...

Glad you posted. I dont pay attention to the other social media so you were missed!

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