
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Steam Punk Quilt Along!

I'm trying very hard to convince you that you need to join the Steam Punk Quilt Along.  Here is the start of my quilt, now I will hold off making blocks and let all of you catch up a bit!  I'm very much looking forward to seeing each and every one of the blocks you make.  Come on, join the fun!  Check out the tips and tutorials in the Flickr group.  We are doing this for the pure fun of it!


  1. Jeannette, they are just awesome. Your fussy cutting is amaaaazing and your fabric choices are fabulous. These blocks are seriously gorgeous. I haven't received my pattern in the mail yet ...

  2. Look awesome but I don´t like sew curves.Happy sewing!

  3. Man, you are so quick! They look absolutely amazing - i adore your fabric choices!

    Bought the pattern today, trying to pick fabric - so yeah, you've convinced me ;o)

  4. I am waiting on my pattern to arrive and then I will quickly start playing along with you!! Your blocks look amazing!

  5. Ooh - my pattern arrived yesterday! Must follow up with you girls - How exciting.
    Hugs - Lurline.

  6. I would love to join you......I love the quilt....but I know I would never keep up and it will take me ages to finish it. I started my New York Beauty in Feb 2012 and I'm still going !!!!

  7. I keep looking at this pattern, then going away and then coming back! It is such a striking block I think I want to play along but I'm wondering if you could tell me rough fabric requirements for the blocks or the top as I may have to add to my stash before I start it!

  8. Wow! Your fabric choices are incredible!! Would love to hear some of your favorite sources.

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  10. First saw this on pinterest. Love it, but want to know where I can get the pattern. Thanks!
