
Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Down Under Quilts!

Eeeep!  I was very excited when Down Under Quilts contacted me not too long ago asking me to share my Spider Web Quilt as a project in their magazine.  Today I found a copy of the magazine with my project in it in my mailbox.  Actually, this project was a collaboration of many people's work as it was made from two online bees. 

It's ironic that when I first started quilting about 8 years ago, the first magazine I ever purchased was a copy Down Under Quilts from a Barnes & Noble store in Michigan.  I'm kind of particular about my quilting magazines, but Down Under Quilts is one of two magazines that I purchase on a regular basis.  I'm thrilled to be a part of it!


  1. That is awesome, congrats. I might have to check out the mag now. Don't think I have seen/bought one yet..

  2. congratulations,that`s faulous and your quilt is just awesome!!

  3. Congrats! I can understand your excitement. It's something nice when your favorite mag publish your work:)

  4. Congrats on being published especially by your favotite magazine! Your quilts are awesome!!

  5. You may have found Down Under in B&N Michigan, but that does not mean the rest of us will have the same luck. How about giving us the Issue No. that way we can see if it is yet to come to our B&N or if we have missed it..... ever since the recession two years ago Aussie mags have been very hard to come by on the news stands.....

  6. Congratulations Jeanette - it is such a beautiful quilt!

  7. Congrats! Beautiful quilt - I'll have to hunt down the issue!

  8. Congratulations, looks wonderful. Might have to look for this mag. Have never seen it here in Denmark. Have had been subscribing to AP&Q several years, but got tirred of it. Helene, in Denmark

  9. congrats! how awesome to be in print :)

  10. Congratulations Jeannette, that is a beautiful quilt

  11. Congratulations! When I looked at this quilt in the magazine I thought gosh, that lady's name sounds familiar. Now I know why! They put in a little bit about a quilt I made for my MIL too. Not a pattern but I was still pretty chuffed to be mentioned.
