
Saturday, March 2, 2013

Sew Retro Quilt Top Finished

Sorry, I'm just not going to get a good photo of this with the rainy weather we are having here this week.  I finished this top last night and now am ready to quilt it.  I'm stumped though whether I should do some very detailed custom quilting on this or just to pick something very simple as to not detract from all the piecing that I did for this top.  I'm not sure yet.  Any advice would be welcome please!


  1. Oh, this is gorgeous! I think a whimsical, looping stipple would compliment this perfectly, but with blocks this charming, you can hardly go wrong whatever you choose!

    Beautiful work!

  2. That is just too cute for words! I love it, you did a fantastic job on that!

  3. Beautiful - well done! Lovely fabric choices and colours! My feeling with the quilting is that it might be nice to make the objects the feature so I would do something to make them stand out on their shelves...but am sure you can't go wrong :) Have fun with it.

  4. that is so beautiful, not to mention clever. I love it.

  5. Hi Jeannette,
    I think you should do small circular spiraling swirls on the fabric around the pictures of the items and that way it will emphasis them because they will stand out more. It would also look good if each interest item is outline stitched just with a couple of lines to give something to stitch the swirls up to. Anyway it looks gorgeous - well done!!!

  6. This is the first I've seen all the blocks together in fabric as a wallhanging! Loving how they turned out - really well done (and gosh you work fast!).

    Wish I had some ideas on quilting but that's the part I always struggle with!

  7. These look amazing together - such a great collection of retro kitchen blocks!

  8. It looks fantastic! Lovely job Jeanette!

  9. Wowza...this looks amazing! Nice job :)

  10. Wow, that is awesome! They look so cool all together. I vote for simple quilting, keep the focus on the detail of the pictures you've created.

  11. You have made such great choices with your fabrics for this pattern. I have enjoyed seeing each one pop up on the Flickr group.

  12. This is fabulous! I have no suggestions on how to quilt it but I can't wait to see it all complete.

  13. Just found you on interest, following you now. Love you Hugh quilt

  14. This is positively adorable! Stumbled across the Sew Retro quilt on Pinterest, followed it to your blog and wanted to say HI. I don't think you can go wrong quilting this one - it makes a fetching statement as is and any quilting you do will only enhance it. And I must know ... is this a pattern that's available somewhere, or your own creation? If it's your own, I hope you turn it into a pattern! Great job!
