
Friday, March 15, 2013

My Oliver

Some days my nerves become absolutely frazzled taking care of my two boys aged two and a half and four.  There is a lot of crying, running, talking and basically constant movement happening here on a daily basis.  Both of my boys are the active sort who go and go from morning until night and I find it hard to keep up with them.  I'm constantly behind with household chores like laundry and cleaning.  I just manage to cook meals most days, but I'm fortunate that I married the kind of guy that can feed himself and help out with the kids (or anything for that matter) if needs be.

Today has been one of those in which I've felt completely frazzled.  The kind of day when the boys have to climb up everything, fall down and hurt themselves, cry and then do it all over again.  Today when we went to deliver lunch to their daddy who has been working on the tractor all day, he offered to take the older boy on the tractor with him for a few hours, which left the younger one screaming in disappointment as I drove him home.  After a long crying session, I set him down on the couch, we had some cuddles and he was happy again.  Just look at those smiles!  Honestly, it is so worth it, but they sure do take us for a ride along their way!

And now I get this:
Ok, now to get some housework done...


  1. Awwww.... so sweet! Mine yougest is 20 years old - so I am glad you are enjoying this while you can!

  2. a sleeping child is the sweetest thing in the whole wide world!! hope you get those chores done so you can do some sewing. Your son is adorable and those sweet moments really do make us forget about all the hard ones. Have a great weekend!

  3. Ah yes the end f the week tiredness how can you beat that? So great that he snuggled under the quilt to catch up on some much needed sleep. If it helps at all, I have about six baskets full of washing to put away BEFORE the weekend washing is even in the machine.

  4. Ah yes the end f the week tiredness how can you beat that? So great that he snuggled under the quilt to catch up on some much needed sleep. If it helps at all, I have about six baskets full of washing to put away BEFORE the weekend washing is even in the machine.

  5. Ah yes the end f the week tiredness how can you beat that? So great that he snuggled under the quilt to catch up on some much needed sleep. If it helps at all, I have about six baskets full of washing to put away BEFORE the weekend washing is even in the machine.

  6. He's a cutie! I've had those days, they're tough. It's all worth it in the end, right? ;)

  7. What a cutie pie! My youngest , aged 4, is also a white headed blondie with blue eyes who goes all day, talks all day then drops asleep wherever he is. He rarely makes dinner time at the moment. Now that he's a kindy boy he's often falling asleep on the couch at 6pm.

  8. He is adorable. I know it is hard to believe, but they grow up much too quickly - written by a mom who had 4 boys under the age of 5 years ago.

  9. So cute, and I'm sure the one that road in the tractor was tired too when he got home! (Though cabs these days are much more comfortable than when I was a little girl riding along myself)

  10. It's a tough time when they are young. Leave the housework... let some things slide. They won't keep you this busy forever. Oliver is sew sweet!
