
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Forest Quilt Along - Block #3

Thank you to everyone who commented on my last blog post!  I know my dad was super pleased with all the nice comments--I guess I don't tell him often enough how great a dad he actually is!  We are all going to miss him when he goes back home!!!

I've finally finished block number three for the Forest Quilt Along hosted by Julianna and Joanna.  This block was designed by guest designer Caroline.  I love this design!  I have long wanted to do a stand of trees like this (possibly not with a paper piecing method though) and to use this texty newspaper print for the trees.  When I first saw this block, I knew right away that I wanted to use that fabric!  I have to admit though, I'm slightly disappointed with the way this block has turned out.  I was trying to imitate the colors of Aspen trees in the fall with hints of blue sky in the background, however I feel like my color choices came out looking a bit flat.  It's not the way I had envisioned it.  Oh well, live and learn. 


  1. Love it! the newsprint fabric is wonderful for the trees.

  2. Oh I think it's a lovely block! It reminds me of birch trees in autumn.
