
Saturday, February 9, 2013

The Material Obsession Quilt

Here is a quilt that I have finished recently.  It was in the stack of quilts that just needed the binding sewn down and I'm gradually getting through that stack again.  I started this quilt over four years ago when I was in the late stages of my pregnancy with Alexander.  We had made a trip to Sydney and while there I visited the Material Obsession shop and bought this as a kit designed by Sarah Fielke.  At the time I had a very small fabric stash of the Katie Jump Rope fabric line and was searching for more and was so happy to get this kit.  I think you can still find this pattern in the Material Obsession book if you are looking for it. Lol, I find it fitting that I was obsessed with the Katie Jump Rope material and found it at Material Obsession!


  1. I like it, as usual for your quilts ;-) I didn't realize this came in a kit.

  2. What an amazing quilt, Jeannette! Love it.

  3. I love Sarah's designs and this is just so lovely - you must be proud and happy!
    Hugs - Lurline

  4. This is one of my favourite quilt designs. I love the blue border!
