
Monday, July 11, 2011

Sweet and Swell Pinwheel Quilt Top

Ok, so this is on a queen sized bed, so it will be a king sized quilt!  Yes, I do get carried away a bit with my sizes.  But, in saying that, I think of people that I want to give the quilts to and almost everyone I know wants a king size.  Queen sized beds are not what they used to be either.  What I mean by that is that the mattresses have gotten thicker and therefore smaller sizes just don't do anymore! I know this as when we changed our mattress a couple of years ago on our Queen sized bed that the quilt I was using just barely fit.

This quilt I had in my storage for some years.  I only had the border left to sew onto it.  Can I just tell you that this top would have been finished ages ago if I hadn't tried to rush finishing it?  I started sewing the borders on without pinning and it turned out horrible and wavy.  I had to unpick. Then I put it away.  Then I lost the borders, but yesterday as I was organizing I found them and decided to finish this up!  Yay!!!  I am very happy to have this one ready for quilting.  I did run out of the border fabric and used some extra pinwheels on the corners.  If you are wondering what this fabric is, it is from two of Urban Chiks lines, one called Swell and the other called Sweet. I thought they went very well together.


  1. Where is this magical chest of quilt tops you have?? I simply can't believe you have such an assortment of beautiful quilts just waiting to be finished. I wonder what you'll pull out next ....

    This is fabulous!

  2. woah! amazing job! I have a hard time getting motivated to work on quilts that big. I get what your saying tho about King being the best size to use, my mom made a queen one for my sister and it only hangs over the edge for like an inch. Very annoying

  3. I love your quilt!! Those are some of my favorite fabrics!

  4. I love it. What a beautiful quilt. Too pretty to give away. Maybe you need a bigger bed huh???

  5. I LOVE your pinwheel quilt. The 2 ranges go together perfectly.

  6. It turned out nice and boy it is huge! I love the sweet line with, it very nice together. Someone will be very happy.

  7. That looks great! You do amazing work!

  8. This quilt is beautiful!! One of my all time favorite lines!
