
Friday, June 3, 2011

Spicing Up the Kitchen Swap

Ok, so I finally signed up to do some online Flickr swaps.  I've been wanting to do it for a long time now as so many people seem to be in on the action.  My problem though, is that I am so so reluctant to make commitments.  I hate the feeling of having too much to do and the feeling of not being able to get done what I want to get done.  But, I also don't want to miss out on some fun in life, so here I go to a new life chapter of getting myself more involved in things!  I signed up for Spicing Up the Kitchen swap. You can read about it here.  I've been going round and round in my mind what I should make for my partner and found some of this teacup fabric and thought that it might be something she would like.  It's so hard to know what someone else will like!!!  I'm going to make some oven mitts to match and then see where to go from there.  This apron still needs a pocket too... 


  1. Love that apron! You got a lucky partner, for sure. I know just what you mean about being afraid of commitments. I also get intimidated by all the fantastic, over-the-top creations that people make for mini-quilt swaps, etc. and am sure I'd have the most disappointed partner in the world. I just joined a bee so I finally feel like I'm more involved.

    Your swap package is going to be fantastic with the matching mitts!

  2. Thats one gorgeous apron. Im sure it'll be loved and appreciated.

    Im with BaileGirl5, I dont do swaps at all because Im so worried my partner will be disappointed in what I send. I probably need to get over that , but then Im initimidated by the huge amounts of time and effort that go into swaps fullstop.

    Maybe one of these days ...

  3. What a great apron.I'd sure be happy to receive that as my swap gift, if I was doing it!
