
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Metro Blue Quilt Finished

I finally finished sewing down the binding on my Metro Blue quilt that has also been a quilt a long time in the making.  It's so nice to have finished quilts!  Once I get my long arm machine in September, there will be many many more finishes as well.  I have decided not to quilt anymore of my quilt tops on the domestic sewing machine and to save the tops I have as well as finish up projects I've started so that I can have as many as possible to practice with on my new machine.  I *ahem* have a few...  I really can't wait to do the quilting. Over the years I have gotten to love every part of the process of making a quilt except for one...  I still struggle with enjoying putting on borders.  It's all the pinning that really tires me out.  I'm sure once I get through a long run of just doing borders (I have about 5 quilt tops or more that just need borders on to be a finished quilt top) then I will probably be used to it well enough to enjoy it.

So, the link for when I originally finished this quilt top is here.  Notice the year?  These fabrics were from a line by Michele D'amore when she was still designing for Marcus fabrics.  It is called Metro Blue. 

I just have to tell you that when I quilted this on my machine, it was so so so difficult to do.  Why?  Well, I always thought that it was a good thing to get a patterned backing as you are sometimes advised to do when you are starting out.  That way the quilting mistakes you make do not show.  Hmmmm....  Problem is, my thread was so well matched with the front that I could not see my quilting as I quilted it!  If I had had a plain backing, I would have quilted it from the back.  Instead, it made it so difficult that I had to quilt with a large stipple and hope that I didn't cross over (which I did do on occasion!)  Lesson learned--make sure you can see your quilting!


  1. I usually get thread to match the tops too. One thing I have learned with quilting on a longarm is that quilting in the dark will save you lots of sore eyes! If your machine will be in a room with a couple windows, just turn off the light and let the natural light come through the windows. I feel that I can see the thread so much better and I make a lot less mistakes this way!

    Hope that makes sense and I hope it helps! Have fun with the longarm, it's definitely my favorite way to quilt!

  2. Lovely quilt! Can't wait to see what you get done with the long arm!

  3. Absolutely awesome. Great quilting.

  4. I found the perfect shade of blue flannel for mine & boy do I love it! It is on my bed as I type!

  5. Oooh what a beautiful quilt. Congratulations on the finish.
