
Thursday, December 2, 2010

Tufted Tweets Quilt Finished!

Wow! I am in love with this quilt and this fabric! In case you are not familiar with it, it's called Tufted Tweets by Laurie Wisbrun for Robert Kaufman. Hopefully you can see in the photos the close up of the free motion pattern I did on my sewing machine. I'm really really getting into the whole free motion thing now. I just I had more time and energy to do some more! I can only get to it at night and usually I am just too tired. Most of my days are spent being quiet with one child while the other one sleeps, or just playing or feeding or making dinners and cleaning. When I have had any free moments, I've been cutting fabric for my etsy store (because I can do this quietly). That is my life in a nutshell. It's all going so fast too! My baby Oliver just rolled over yesterday and he's only 3 months! He'll be off and running soon. Wah, you want them to grow up, but at the same time they are so cute and wonderful while they are small.


  1. Wow, you did a nice job with the free motion quilting! I thought it was done on a longarm. I like the use of tuffed tweets too.

  2. very nice quilt., I like tufted tweets also.

  3. Your quilting looks so neat! Did you pre-draw the lines?
