
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Playing with Parisville...

First of all, I had to post some pictures of the boys. My boys are growing so fast everyday. Alexander finally has really started trying to talk and is learning new words everyday. His favorite word by far is "CAR". He also likes to say, "TRUCK" and "TRACTOR". Yep, he's a boy! Oliver is doing well, minus the fact that he has started teething. It's drool drool drool all day long and lots of fussing and crying and not resting as well as he had previously. Oh well, you get that! I still get so much more sleep with Oliver than I ever did with Alexander. He used to get up every hour through the night at this age!!! I don't know how I put up with that for a year??? And then willingly decided to have another??? Awwww, but they are so cute!

I thought I would show you what I've been making with the Parisville that I got recently lest you think I just chop it up to sell and not to use!!! I still don't know about this fabric. I keep wavering between absolutely loving it and then feeling lukewarm about it. Wierd, I don't know why I waver about it. Actually, I'm like that about a lot of Tula Pink's fabrics. Slow to warm up and then gung ho! Same with Anna Maria Horner... I am hesitant at first and then I fall totally in love. Hopefully I will get these blocks sewn together soon and the love will grow:)


  1. Sweet boys! I miss those days when my son was small!

    I am not sure what I think of parisville yet either...your quilt looks nice.

  2. Always the way. I find that I always love it when there is no more left.
