
Monday, November 23, 2009

Building Our Home

This post is especially for my friends in Michigan who are unable to see where I live. In particular, the friend who doesn't use facebook (you know who you are). It's hard to believe that it has been 4 years already since we built this little cottage on the hillside with the intention of finishing it one day... Well, I haven't mentioned it previously on this blog, but one day has finally arrived and we have started building this past month. It's very exciting to see it going up. Our little cottage on stilts has been a great little home, but as our family grows we will be needing the extra space. I will try and update photos as building progresses--it's nice to have these "before" pictures...


  1. Wow -- congratulations and enjoy your new expanded space!

  2. It will be so nice for you to have the extra space! Amy and I will need to come visit =]]
