So, Alexander finally made his appearance to the world on January 28th after a long and wearisome labor and emergency c-section. All up we were in the hospital for 12 days and so happy to finally come home even though that was an adjustment as well. Mom and Dad can hardly believe how hard it is to care for little Alexander who demands lots of milk and stays awake for very long periods throughout the day. But, they think he is worth every bit of torture he is putting them through and only hope that it gets easier as time goes by. Mom is still wondering how humans have managed to do so well on this planet since these little creatures are so delicate and would make easy prey for large animals as well as vulnerable mums. How did we make it out of the cave dwelling days?
Mom has had no time to quilt anymore, but she is sending off tops to be quilted and will be happy to photograph and show them off when they come home again. It seems to be taking a long long time and mom is so looking forward to having some finished quilts for a change. Especially when the weather has changed from very very hot (over 40degrees) to needing to light a fire in the wood burning stove to make it warm enough for junior in the house. He has had some shocking weather to deal with so far.
We are thoughtful for all those involved in the terrible fires in Victoria. We are fortunate enough to be safe so far this year, the drought this spring may have saved us from any great fire hazards this year. Also helped that we did fire reduction burns during the winter (burned all our nice trees by accident, but a safe home is more important). Our thoughts are with those who have lost their homes and especially with those who lost their loved ones...
Congratulations!! Alexander is such a doll. Yes, your life will really change but in good and wonderful ways. I've been watching for your post to pop up telling of your good news.
Hugs to Alexander.
He is just beautiful!! You did a good job! It can be difficult at first with a newborn but hang in there! The best advice I ever got was this, he's never been a baby before and you've never been a mother before, you'll find your way together. It's true. Once you can get some sleep you will feel much better too. Congratulations!!!
congrats welcome is never the same again........
Aww - welcome little man. Absolutely gorgeous and looking very alert. He'll certainly keep you busy. Many congratulations.
Congratulations!!! Alexander is so sweet! I know what you are going through, I am a mother of four, with our latest addition being just over 4 months old. It does get easier, and it is all worth it! I hope that you are recovering ok, I have had 4 c-sections and the recovery can be very difficult. Chookyblue is right "Life is never the same again". BTW you will quilt again, one day :-)
Thanks for all of your prayers for us Victorians
Congratulations! Your son is beautiful. Sleep when he sleeps. You will quilt and knit again. Just post pictures of him in the outfits you made.
Welcome back to blogging! I have checked every day for about a month to see how you were doing and what you had. A boy! Such joy in your heart I am sure. Are your parents coming from the US? It's such a long way to travel too.
Good for you. Yes, life as you have known it is changed forever!
Thanks for posting.. You must be so very tired.
He is so beautiful! What gorgeous eyes! Thank you for posting pictures, I have been checking back here and there and it is really thrilling to see the end result. Don't worry you will have time to sew and knit again soon. I have five children and it just takes some time. Just really enjoy your bundle of joy!
Congrats! I've been wondering about you... I hope the surgery wasn't all bad. 12 days sounds like an awfully long time - I think we were in for 4 days after my c-section.
BTW Since Alexander is an end of January baby, he will be perfect just like me!
Look at all of that hair, Jacob is sporting some male pattern baldness... (& he is sleeping through the night, so there is hope.) As for the milk, that is another story. Siince I am back to work, I know that he drinks at least 15 oz. during the day - no telling how much in addition he takes directly.
Congratulations!!! I have grandbabies now. You will be fine and so will Alexander. I am a friend of mamasparks. I love to quilt and I loved your quilt. Hopefully you will get a schedule going and be able to do a little quilting while he sleeps. So glad to hear that the fires are not near you. I worried about you when I heard about them.
He's beautiful! The world welcomes you back baby Alexander. May your future hold bright and wonderful things for you and your family! Congratulations to all! I promise things get more lined out (or you just learn to work around them) as time goes by! Take care of yourself now too! Welcome to the journey of motherhood.
Congratulations! What a sweet babe :)
He's precious- sorry for the un-fun labor and delivery, but goodness, he's quite a prize!
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