I have been sewing again now since I know the gender of the baby I am a lot more inspired. Still want to keep the sex a surprise for friends and family, but it might be hard. I really didn't have a preference, but it feels good to know. I am definitely someone who prefers to know rather than be surprised. For me, the best fun is the planning...
Here are a couple of photos of the diaper bags I finished recently. The top photo is one I made for a friend of mine who is also having a baby soon using Joel Dewberry's Damask line of fabric. The second photo is a bag I made for myself using the late Laurel Burch's mermaids fabric. I just love how the front pocket turned out with the mermaid with the long hair (mine is as long as hers) holding the baby. It will be fun to use.
My current projects are some teddy bears that I am sewing... I will post of photo soon! I also have plans to sew lots of onesies using natural bamboo fabric. I plan to make a lot of cutsie clothes using Heather Ross fabrics as well and hopefully a Heather Ross quilt too. I just ordered some of her Mendicino line. Can't wait to see it in person!!
Your bags are great! Glad your feeling so well :)
Good to see you back. Love the diaper bag! I am still sticking with the baby's sex that I told you (smile)
I'm so glad to hear an update. I've been curious about how you're doing on the other side of the world. I think it's fun that we're due about the same time. I hope if you get that baby back to Michigan some day, we can meet up! I love seeing your posts and how you're doing.
On a completely unrelated note, I woke up this morning (after a pretty sleepless night) thinking about a conversation we had in the bathroom at Jenson School in what must have been second or third grade. You told me if i put my chin down to my neck I'd see how many chins i would have when I was old. I have no idea why i was thinking of that this morning. But it made me laugh.
Hey chica.. I love the Mermaids. You know Doreen Virtue says there are incarnated Mer-Angels. I think I am one and maybe you are too. Highlighted hair, love of the water? Ask MO what she thinks :-)
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