Since I've been back home my latest quilt project I've been working on has been using the latest fabrics from Erin Michael called ZaZa. I wasn't taken with the fabric when I first saw it, but then suddenly I was very excited about it and when I saw it going for a very low price on ebay I had to get it. Has that ever happened to you where you weren't very thrilled about some fabrics at first and then later just fell in love with them? I seem to get that a lot and sometimes the reverse happens where the fabrics I love right away lose my interest suddenly later on. I think fabric must be like therapy at times in that you are drawn to what you need at the moment--like aura soma or something like that.
Anyway, I am nearly finished putting the basic blocks together, so hopefully another post soon with a picture so you can see what it looks like.
Is this a blue undergound studio pattern? I love this pattern, although I don't think I would want all those little pieces.
Good Job!
It looks great!
I like the green and brown combo. I find my tastes in fabrics shift more gradually over time, but they definitely do shift, i've noticed. Especially the colors I combine now that i never would have considered a few years ago.
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