
Wednesday, April 2, 2008

A New Sewing Machine!

Well, I have been thinking that it was about time I considered getting a new sewing machine. Here is a photo of my old machine (the top photo) that I have been sewing with the past few years. It is an old Husqvarna 6030 that has been a wonderful workhorse. But, it doesn't sew a 1/4inch seam! It was frustrating that I always had to fiddle to make my 1/4" or not have my points match up! And when I made button holes I had to do it in a very old fashion way. But now my life is changed forever! I really loved my Husqvarna so that was a big reason to decide to go with Husqvarna again. It's something I know and not having anyone to influence me otherwise, this is the machine I decided to get--the Sapphire 870. The main feature that made me salivate over this machine is the automatic thread cutters. I am also so so happy with all the other features that go with this machine. I thought that switching to a computerized machine would be frustrating and take a lot of learning, but within an hour of sewing I understood all the buttons on the machine and had tried out over half of all the stitches. I know this might be yawn to a lot of people, but to me it's revolutionary!!! Does anyone else own this machine? How do you like it?

Of course this machine buying thing took place while we were in Canberra doing the MRI, which by the way, went well. No MS and no tumor! Which confirmed my intuition anyway. But, the neurologist was quick to tell me that trigeminal neuralgia comes and goes until it eventually becomes chronic. Thanks. And Monday night it came back with full force just to prove it could. Nasty thing, the attacks were about every 2 minutes from 8pm to 5:30am. But last night was ok, and now I am learning that it will do what it will and I have to learn to live like a warrior ready for battle at any moment. So, the neurologist told us he had a solution to the problem. Botox! Very simple just inject me with Botox--does the trick... Hmmm... He was a very sure of himself type-had all the answers and none of the pain. But, I do not care. I can live with the diagnosis, it was the best possible diagnosis really. And who knows, if I am desperate I might succumb to the botox idea.


  1. What a relief to get the 'best of possible' news! I hope that things continue to go as well as they can.

    Yummy new machine too - lots of entertainment there.


  2. I am sincerley glad that things are hopefully on the way up for you. A bit of girl power and you will get through it...all be it a stronger person! Love the machine.

  3. First of all, such good news on your appointment! Secondly, I bought that same machine 2 months ago and love it. I didn't think I would love the automatic thread cutter as much as I do! Have fun and happy quilting!

  4. Does this machine have a push button reverse stitch? If so, I'd really like to know how you like it. I thought it sounded like a terrible idea when I looked at this machine a couple of weeks ago. (At least I think it was this machine).

    I guess it was good news and bad news from the doctor. If the botox really works, that might be the way to go.

  5. Glad to hear that the worst is not true for you. I hope you get 20 years or more of remission! A new machine is very exciting news!Wait until you actually quilt with it. I have a Janome, but between the 1/4" foot on the machine, and my June Tailor quilt cut, my blocks actually turn out the size they are supposed to! Love the Prarie Paisley quilt too. I just ordered the bundle from Hancocks of Paducah. I'm thinking of making Miss Rosie's Stella Blue with it.

  6. Very pleased it went so well and yes - you really deserved this new machine. Hope you'll be very happy together - lol !

  7. I'm glad you got "good" news about the TN :-)

    So didn't the neurologist suggest tegretol? I am now taking 1200mgs a day to keep my TN at bay. So far it's working, but leaves me suffering some short term memory loss (though that could just be age) and lethargy in the morning. But these side-effects are worth it to get rid of that pain.

    Hope all goes well.
