
Wednesday, January 23, 2008

The Moment of Decision

Wow! Thank you for all your comments and helpful ideas. I actually was quite surprised by your preferences and it made me really think hard again about what I was seeing. My first impression was that I would go with blue because it was the brightest of the three(most contrast) and would be the most likely to add liveliness to the quilt. I loved that so many of you said to use all three! Even my mom emailed me and told me to use all three to make it a happy quilt:) That really surprised me because she is always telling me that she likes simple quilts and very few colors... Just more proof that I really haven't been able to understand "get" her all these years. The most popular color choice was green followed closely by yellow. Blue was the least popular with some strongly opposing blue as a choice. So, blue is now not going to happen, which is not a problem because I have already dreamed up a project to work on with the blue fabric. I am going to follow the popular vote and go with green because I want this quilt to have a true 30's look and a lot of you mentioned that it would be the traditional color used. Also, I have another project in mind for the yellow as well. So, there you have it, all 113 blocks finished this morning and now to begin the sashing...


  1. I am so glad you have made your decision, I am sure you will be thrilled with the outcome.

  2. The green will be lovely and nicely authentic - it's going to look beautiful! Isn't it funny how we can all look at the same exact thing and have different ideas? I had great fun reading all the comments!

  3. I am so sad, cause I was right there with you on the blue! But I guess I'll get over it. (eventually) I admire the fact that you asked for advice and you're taking it!

  4. I'm glad you went with the green, I think they call the 30's green, "Poisen Green" I don't have a clue why. I'll be watching for the outcome of this lovely quilt

  5. Yes... green would be the best choice! Glad you decided on green. Blue would look too bright and yellow just doesn't make it.
