So......, this photo is of what I am doing in the meantime. Yes, I have been so wanting to start this project ever since I bought the fabric. Which, by the way is the Amy Butler Charm fabric I got for half off. What a lucky find!
The pattern that I am working on here is the Professional Bag by the Creative Thimble. So far so good... I like the outside, but now I am working on the lining... Though, this afternoon I was trying to get too creative with making my own pockets and they haven't really worked out the way I had planned. I think I need a bit more practice before I venture off on my own again.
Well if you're going to get distracted, it might as well be on something so lovely!
So that's Amy Butler. I have been hearing about her stuff, but I haven't taken the time to find it online. I live in a REALLY rural area and Amy Butler doesn't find her way here anywhere close, LOL.
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