Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Spider Found!

Ummm... I think this spider might have had it in for me. I realized this as I got out of the shower this morning to put on my bathrobe! Well, actually, it was friendly of him to stand still as dh took him(and the bathrobe) outside---hopefully forever.


Lori (A.K.A. Elkhoundmom) said...

Eeek! What a thing to come out of the shower to! i don't mind spiders in their own place, but in the house or on clothing, no! I get the impression that this is one of the disadvantages of Australia -- lots of friendly wildlife of smaller varieties.

Leigh said...
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Leigh said...

Even if I hadn't known you were an aussie I'd have been able to tell, I recognize the spider as one of our huntsmen :-)

Vicky aka Stichr said...

Well if you didn't scream upon seeing that monster, I screamed for you! We have Hobo spiders here in the American NorthWest, they are not polite, in other words.

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