Thursday, March 1, 2007

Home Sweet Home

I had a busy week this past week which included a trip to Melbourne to visit the Quilt Fair. I went with my friend Alison and had a FULL day at the show. The doors opened at 9 and before I knew it they were ready to kick us out again. It was very inspiring to see all the quilts at the show and to learn the latest techniques and tools that are out there. I ended up getting a few civil war prints that you can see in the first picture hanging up to dry. I also bought a diamond template with the sashings to make a Jane Austen type quilt out of the prints that I bought.

The second picture is what I saw when I woke up this morning. This spider decided to hang out in our bedroom. Yes, to the average Australian this is probably NOT a big deal, but I am less than thrilled. It's not an easy to get used to gigantic spiders hanging around the house. Welcome to Australia???

1 comment:

Samantha said...

Yikes! That spider would have terrified me, esp in the bedroom!

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